Employment Growth Trends – Tampa/St. Pete/Clearwater MSA | SEPT 2020

Employment Growth Trends – Tampa/St. Pete/Clearwater MSA | SEPT 2020

Which industries are growing and which are declining? – Employment & unemployment are important factors affecting the office market. 

The Tampa area unemployment rate declined again this month, showing an improvement month-over-month from 6.8% in August to 6.1% in September, a decline of 0.7 percentage points.

? Two major industries gained jobs YOY in September:

  • The Government sector gained +2,400 jobs
  • The Manufacturing industry gained +800 jobs

? The industries losing the most jobs YOY in September:

  • The Leisure & Hospitality industry lost -34,200 jobs
  • The Professional & Business Services sector lost -12,600 jobs

The Florida unemployment rate was 7.6% for the month of September, up 0.3 percentage points from August. The number of private-sector jobs increased 36,100, up 0.5 percent from August 2020. Florida’s labor force was down 2,000 (-less than 0.1 percent) over the month

To get a full summary of Tampa’s MSA employment & unemployment for September 22020, download the one-sheet Tampa Employment Growth Report, or connect with me directly to ask how the current employment & unemployment situation can affect/benefit you! 

Tampa Employment Growth Report by John MIlsaps

About the Author
John Milsaps, a Senior Advisor at SVN Commercial Advisory Group, specializes in landlord and seller representation in Tampa's professional office and healthcare real estate sectors. His expertise in commercial office space makes him a trusted advocate for clients seeking strategic real estate solutions.
