tenants for office space

Attracting Quality Tenants to Your Commercial Office Space

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Owning commercial office space can be an incredible investment or an overwhelming undertaking.  The difference lies in the type of tenant you are attracting.  The right tenant will help to make your job as a property owner easy by being responsible, accountable, and reliable. ...
Budget for commercial office space

What to Look For When Renting Commercial Office Space

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If you’re looking to rent commercial office space, it’s obviously important to make sure that you find the right spot.  The worst thing you can do for your business is to a settle into a space that you quickly outgrow, forcing you to uproot and relocate.  To avoid making this...
medical office space investment

Why is Medical Office Space a Great Investment?

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If you’re considering purchasing an investment property, the medical office space sector of the real estate market is not one that you should overlook.  A lot of investors get scared off by the specialized infrastructure that is required in medical real estate, or by the fact...
medical office space changing with new practices

How Medical Office Space is Changing

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The medical office space sector of the commercial real estate market has experienced a great many changes over the past few years.  These changes have shifted the focus for both investors and tenants within the market.  Tenants have much more awareness of what it is that they...
what landlords want to know

What Does Your Commercial Real Estate Landlord Want to Know Before Leasing to You?

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If you are looking to lease commercial real estate, you may have found a whole bunch of articles on the internet advising prospective tenants what they need to know about a commercial landlord.  What you may not have seen a lot of, however, are articles advising the tenant what a...
Drawing the types of commercial property

Stay in Your Zone: Understanding the Different Types of Commercial Property

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When you are looking for commercial property, understanding the zoning laws in your area is imperative.  Zoning laws are put into place to determine how a property may or may not be used.  This helps to prevent certain types of businesses from popping up in residential areas.  It...
Commercial office space layout

Why Space Planning is Important to Your Commercial Office

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Finding commercial office space that suits your businesses needs isn’t always as cut and dry as it sounds.  Just as the flow and layout of your home is important, your office space is no different.  Particular companies will benefit from different types of office layouts.  ...
commercial leasing and subletting

Understanding Assignment and Subletting in Commercial Leases

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In the world of commercial real estate, knowing your rights is essential to negotiating the best deal on your lease.  Your business needs are likely to shift and change over the course of a longer lease, so it’s important to have guidelines included that allow some wiggle room...
medical office space tour

How to Create the Perfect Medical Office Space Tour

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A property tour should adequately showcase all of the features that set your medical office space apart from others, convincing potential investors or tenants to choose your space over the competition.  It’s important to realize, however, that your property’s uniqueness is not...

Know How Much Room You are Paying for in Commercial Office Space

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When it comes to acquiring the best deal on commercial office space for your growing company, it’s of the utmost importance to understand what, exactly, you are paying for.  Most office space is listed with a rentable square footage rate, which is likely quite a bit more space...