Hillsborough Approves Tax Break for Possible Amazon Warehouses in South County
Hillsborough County Commissioners adopted an ordinance Wednesday that paves the way for a property tax break if Amazon.com opens a “fulfillment centers” near Interstate 75 in Ruskin.
The move would cost the county almost $7 million in property tax revenues over 7 years if the online retail giant chooses Hillsborough. The measure passed with little discussion among board members or the public.
But one resident, Susan Virginia Davis, said she took issue with the county making plans to hand out tax breaks to wealthy corporations.
“Use our tax dollars wisely, because I don’t want to pay increased taxes later on this year, my property taxes are sky high millage rate wise.”
All six board members present voted in favor of the tax abatement, including Mark Sharpe.
“100% of nothing is nothing and so, the fact that they’re going to get a tax reduction over the first 7 years, at which point after that it’s 100% plus the jobs is a good deal for the tax payers of Hillsborough County.”
“I think it’s exciting,” said Commissioner Sandra Murman. “And I just think it’s going to bring so much opportunity for the people in that area.”